We are proud to put employee health at the heart of our organisation
We are sharing some very exciting news that we are now signed up the Mental Health at Work Commitment.
By signing up we are showing that we are committed to achieving better mental health for everyone who works for, and with us, and that we want to make a genuine longer term positive impact on everyone’s wellbeing.
The Mental Health at Work Commitment provides a simple framework and has been developed with the knowledge and expertise of mental health charities and leading employers and has been curated by Mind. The commitment is made up of six standards based on best practice and gives us support and ideas of how to ensure everyone can have a happy and healthy workplace.
So far we have co-designed a Health at Work Policy, taken part in the Kings Fund ‘Introduction to Leading and Kindness and Compassion in Health and Social Care’ course, and are looking into other training and awareness to help staff and managers feel confident and supported in managing their own mental health as well as supporting one another.
Other things we are planning, include:
- Creating a place for information, self-assessments and toolkits as well as links to happy and positive webinars and online support to suit everyone’s differing needs.
- Providing time and space to enable us to look after our own mental and physical health as well as encouraging those #watercooler moments.
- Addressing the sometimes isolating impact of remote and home working to improve everyone’s working day!
Addressing the sometimes isolating impact of remote and home working to improve everyone’s working day!
Amongst many other things
We want everyone who works here to feel they can be their genuine selves, be open about their mental health and other health matters and ask for support if and when they need it.
Check out the website for more information: https://www.mentalhealthatwork.org.uk/commitment
We look forward to learning more and implementing further good practice!!