MediPace Mastodon Pic min

Creating a positive and supportive social media community for anyone interested in Patient Engagement

Patient engagement is a collaborative activity and it’s only through working together, listening, and learning from each other, that we will advance the field. For this to happen there needs to be a space where anyone from any background can join in the discussion as equals and feel heard. Unfortunately, this has not always been possible in social media until today.

We are trying to create a friendly, safe and welcoming environment where anyone interested in patient engagement can join in discussion and help shape the future. To do this, we have joined a Mastodon instance that is independently moderated by a strong code of conduct to support inclusivity, positivity, and collaborative discussion. Actions such as advertising, and bullying are not tolerated. So come – join us there in equal partnership and let’s get the discussion going!

Click here for step-by-step instructions.
